Sunday, June 28, 2009

Great, Just Great.

She says i always turn things around. I was argueing with her again and somehow i brought up my report card and how it was the best grades i've gotten in years, and that i was disapointed that she didn't even say she was proud of me. She never says that or that she loves me. It's almost like those words aren't even in her vocabulary. I hate this s**t. Then she said that ofcourse i ment what i said. And i did mean it but i didn't mean to say it right then. And ofcourse she showed how hurt she was. And she said something about having a daughter. I know it sounds all about me. And that's the way she always makes seem. That i never think about others. And she always brings that up. She doesn't see me enough to know me anymore. I'm always working at night so when she gets home i need to go. I work on Sat.s at my other job. and then I'm asleep most of the time and then she's asleep early. I hate how she automatically assumes that i'm not careing or sensitive, or anything good. She doesn't see me with my friends. She doesn't know how i'm always there if someone needs to talk. I hate this.
Now she saw me on the Computer when i'm supposed to be cleaning. Funk!!!!!
I HATE THIS! i can't wait till i ca get away.


  1. She just wants a little help around the house. Hurry through your chores then go out with friends. I found it best to just stay away from home at the library, friends, movies, etc when I was your age.

  2. I hope things get better!
